mama and baby elephant

mama and baby elephant

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Molo! (hello)
We have class together with different teachers all the time.  They’re more like presentations about all kinds of different topics and perspectives of African culture that last about 4 hours Monday thru Thursday.  A professor, who is also a minister, and comes from a traditional Isixhosa village, is teaching us how to speak Isixhosa, a click language, so when we go on a trip to a traditional village we can speak with them.  Xhosa is the 2nd largest group of people in SA and it’s the group the Nelson Mandela comes from.  A professor we had today has written 3 books about growing up in war-torn Bosnia and his survival during the bloodshed. He is currently working with generals and head military leaders in South Sudan to help them become better leaders when their new country gains independence on July 9!  The leaders have no education and knowledge of how to run a country and the politics it requires only military education so they have sought out education from this professor so they can be more effective and democratic leaders of the new South Sudan.  His perspective on intervention into war-stricken countries and conflict resolution is fist hand and very sobering.  Another instructor was in jail when being an activist during the Apartheid. We have seen straight from the people affected by the Apartheid the effects that is had and still has on the community, however; I have never met nicer people than the blacks in South Africa.  The 3 main types of people are the Afrikaans (whites), Coloreds, and Blacks.  We’ve learned a lot about diversity and the different cultures of so many people.  There are 11 official languages and such a gap in social classes but the places we have been are very nice.  I can see the ocean from my window and everyone’s accent sounds British almost. 
While we sit outside and eat our lunch yesterday we were bombarded by a very large group of wild monkeys that found our food and us very interesting.  The monkeys just run wild here!  This place is so much fun and so beautiful.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Is this for real?

So after 2 full days of flying half way across the world I'm finally in South Africa!!!! 2 VERY long sleepless flights and a 12 hour layover in London, where I did manage to have a Guinness and stop by the Harrods and Duty Free stores, I arrived in the most beautiful country I have ever seen.  From the staggering cliffs and vinyards in Cape Town to extremely diverse coast of PZ it's really incredible how vast and changing the landscape is! I'm staying in this little quaint cottage-like flat full of international students, apparently.  I'm stuck with 6 of the coolest most awesome people I could have ever expected.  2 southern gentlemen from Ol Miss, Alyssa from Rhode Island who belongs on the Jersey Shore, another very nice girl, Tosh from NYC, Kendall from Nebraska, and Boone from Washinton.  We all have "class" together which consists of the most interesting and coolest guest lecturers for a few hours a day and a final scrapbook project at the end of the month. We live in this flat apartment place and have become so close in just the last 2 days. Today we went on a Safari and got way close to some beautiful animals! We payed around 5 dollars to play with and pet Cheetahs and i had giraffe poop in my mouth for some South African game they play.We're having so much fun and have so many exciting things planned for this month.   This is going to be so much fun.